Evening of December 2 Mason walked up the stairs in a bright daze, Lyness's powerful blood pounding through her, the mellifluous tones of Lyness's Latin phrases echoing in her ears. Completely at a whim she decided to take Brutis straight up to see Nick and Constance, instead of stopping off at her apartment to let him lie down, and going up by herself. No doubt it was the unusal openness to spontenaity that she felt, as who wouldn't after time spent with that completely spontaneous woodland nymph, that led to the extraordinary results. As she passed through the gauntlets of security, Mason felt she was entering a milieu of separation from the world. This was an unexpected bonus of the new security systems - one actually felt more secure. Mason giggled at how silly she sounded to herself. Once again, probably contributory to later events. As Mason entered, Nicholas recited to himself a few phrases Constance had prepared him with, and mentally rehearsed all that she had instructed him to do. He looked at his reflection in the monitor and licked his hand, trying to smooth out his hair a bit. As his guest entered, Nicholas greeted her warmly and by first name... that was nice, she thought, he had stopped asking if it was ok to call her Mason. They went to sit in the living room, Nick letting the dogs out to play with Brutis. Mason played with the dogs and watched Nick, feeling secure and spontaneous enough to enjoy the feeling rather than being scared by it. "Would you care for something to eat or drink, Mason?" She asked for Coke or Dr Pepper... he said they had both. "Dr Pepper then," and he went to get it for her. When he returned, he told her he had forgot to ask if she liked ice in her drink, and that if she told him now, he'd never forget. And, would she join him for dinner? He was about to order pizza, as he had forgot to eat all day. What did she like on her pizza? Mason, still feeling spontaneous, simply told the truth... she liked ice in her drink if it were room temp pop, but no ice if the pop had been refrigerated; and, she liked plain cheese pizza. Apparently Nick liked cheese only too because he seemed very gratified by this. And suddenly looked so adorable that the first bits of fear crept into her lighthearted mood. To distract herself from kindling desire she asked him the names of his several dogs - she knew her Brutis of course but who were the others? He introduced Oso, Orin, Loki the runt of the litter, Isis of the blue eyes... then a name that struck a distant memory... Caspian. The last introduced was Brutis's brother, whose name was Aslan. Suddenly Mason knew where the last two names came from - C S Lewis's Narnia series. "Oh... names from Narnia... I loved those books when I was little." Nick told her he had too, and had read them dozens of times. Continuing to try to keep her thoughts in safe arena, she asked him about his favorites among the books. When he seemed quite certain of his answer, she thought maybe he'd be not so happy if she were to disagree, so, she was quiet a bit. He went to call in the pizza order. Nicholas returned, telling Mason that the pizza would be there soon. He had ordered one for Constance too, but she was still asleep. They talked a little while more, the pizza arrived, Nick told Mason it was a zen thing, eating pizza. He and the pizza became one. Mason could tell by his utter concentration that pizza was a favorite of his. She mentioned this, and he seemed pleased. Nicholas reached for a third piece of pizza. "I do so appreciate you eating with me tonight, Mason. It gets lonesome, sometimes..." He smiled shyly, meeting her eyes for a moment before dropping them, wondering what Constance would do, and fervently hoping he doesnt do the wrong thing. Mason assured him she was all set, and that he was a wonderful host. Nicholas was surprised to hear this. "Oh, thank you. People are such a mystery to me, I'm postively abysmal at expressing myself most of the time." Mason wanted to reassure him. "You seem perfectly clear to me - open and straightforward. What do you feel like you're having trouble expressing?" Nicholas told her he was not quite sure - some kind of emotions. When Mason pressed for more details, he nibbled on his lip, wishing fervently that he knew more about interaction in relationships, finally admitting that the emotions were in regards to Mason herself. She seemed so distressed at this news that Nicholas was sure he'd done something wrong. He began to apologize, but Mason stopped him, and gently asked if she had done something wrong - that she understood why it would be hard for him to confront her with such, given the circumstances. He quickly assured her that was not the case, looking quite dumbfounded that she would think such a thing. Both of them relieved they had not offended the other, Mason asked Nicholas to try to explain just what emotion he had been feeling. "I'm just completely incompetent when it comes to explaining myself... hmmm? Ahhh... I am quite happy in your company." Nicholas stopped a moment to ponder, a blank look on his face as he tried to explain. "You bring a sense of warmth when I am with you. I am... tonguetied, and wish to prolong our company as long as possible." He glanced at Mason with honest curiosity. "Do you know what this is?" Mason knew... of course she knew. She really really didn't want to answer. In fact, she wanted to bolt out of the apartment and take Brutis and lock herself in and never come out. She thought of the Borg's catchphrase... "Resistance is futile." She felt waves of futility and terror wash over her. She nodded, and Nicholas, wiping his hands on the napkin to cover his anxiety, asked her, "Is it something bad?" Not trusting herself to answer, Mason asked him if he'd ever felt this same feeling about anyone else. After careful consideration, he smiled brightly and said he had - for Constance. "So, do you think it's bad?" Mason asked, almost rhetorically. Nick answered simply. "No. It brings me happiness." "So you do know. Sometimes it's easy to get confused, though." "I am not confused. You bring me happiness." "I'm glad, and likewise." Mason sounded very hesitant. "Do you like me, Mason?" "Yes, I like you a lot." "Do you feel the same? Or am I causing confusion?" Mason really didn't know ... words came tumbling out seeming of their own accord. "Oh... gosh Nick... both... I am not sure... I mean, the description you gave with the warmth and stuff would apply to me but ... I guess I find that more confusing than you do ... no, not confusing... frustrating maybe." Nick smiles warmly, reaching his hand out tenatively to brush her hair behind her ear, a gesture Constance enjoys, hoping she won't flinch. "I am glad it does not cause confusion. I should not care to cause that in you. I care for you a great deal." Mason didn't flinch exactly, but she froze, caught in a dilemma between desire and ethic. "Nick what... what do you want from me?" Nicholas continued with the motion, aware of her hesitation and fighting the urge to snatch his hand away. His mind tumbled through the phrases Constance listed and sighed softly, speaking in a gentle tone. "I want for you to be happy. I want for you to spend time with me, if you should like to. I want to hold you." He looked up, into her eyes. "I want to be with you, but not... not if it hurts you." He held his breath, wondering if Constance was correct after all, and feeling a tad forlorn, should she have been mistaken, for he did not wish to lose Mason as a friend. Words tumbled out of Mason's mouth faster than she could organize them. "Thank you that's ... means more to me than I could possibly say and ... no it's okay I'm okay I this is just a lot to find out at once and.... well you were right on the tongue tied part you're obviously doing better than I am...." With a look of utter longing and affection, she said, "I wish, I really wish... if I were... but..." "Mason?" "uhhhh ... uh huh?" "May i kiss you?" Mason just stared at him. He studied her face for a few moments, trying to decide how she was feeling. Fear, and longing... he knew she wanted to kiss him. She also wanted to run and hide. She dragged her eyes from his face and whispered, "No... I can't let you do that." Spiraling down into herself to get away from his eyes.