when I cut off my toenails...
did I lose part of myself?
when I lose my heart to you
is it still a part of me?
who is this "me" person anyway
does she even exist?
can i play with it? just for me?sure. please do, darling.
when I give you a poem
and let you play with it
and you add a few words
move around some lines
take out a phrase here
Is it the same poem still?
shedding words like a tree in fall
sheds leaves on the ground
are the leaves still part of the tree?
what is a tree, anyway? If I cut off a branch
which is the tree, the part still rooted in the ground,
or the part in my hand?
when i say "me", who do i mean? because i can spare one.. pair be done... until there is nothingWhen I say "me" who do I mean? I can spare one of us... pair be done... but there is nothingwhen severed from me, do i lose part of myself? when i lose my heart to you -
is it still bound within me? who is me, anyway? existing, together, apart. do i even exist?
or is there no me... only we...