A Visit From Claudius
(short note.  This story precedes Feeding Anarchy.)

Elizabeth Feildric looked over her home.  Everything was in its proper place.  She was sure of that.  Claudius was coming to visit, and she was the gracious hostess awaiting her honored guest.  She smiled at her reflection in the mirror, putting one stray hair back in place, as the doorbell rang.  In no hurry, she finished the tiny repair to her coiffure, and then went to the door.  Opening it for Claudius, she greeted him warmly and he did the same in return.

Escorting him to the impeccably furnished parlor, she gestured him to sit opposite her on a small sofa with rounded back.  She sat on another just the same, with a transparent low table between them, allowing them comfortable, cozy chat yet personal space as well.  Such small niceties were important to her.

They exchanged pleasantries, then spent some time discussing the recent Primogen meeting and the Prince's decision as to the replacement of the Seneschal.  [ooc remark:  I'd write more about this, but we still don't know who he names, and since the characters themselves are possible candidates, it gets weird.  So I leave it at that.]

The conversation turned to the topic of another pronouncement made at the same Primogen meeting, the declaration of the Blood Hunt on the anarch gang known as the Steel Fangs.

Claudius spoke, his eyes showing his sadness.  "The question of the anarchs took an unpleasant turn."

"I feared that,"  Elizabeth replied.  "What was said?"

"The Prince decided to invoke Lextalionis for their transgressions against the city. Namely the death of Jerry Duncan." Claudius 's eyes grew dark.  "I am naturally concerned for the well-being of all kindred, especially so for our clan."

"His death was a transgression against the city?"  Elizabeth sounded almost amused, though the amusement covered a darker tension.  "I suppose it was a transgression against the Prince's rights of destruction, in fact," she noted.  Musing a bit more, she inquired, "Against all anarchs, or only those who slew Duncan?"

"Against the four that have identified themselves as the Steelfangs. There are a few specific points of concern for me within our clan relating to them."

Elizabeth nodded, well aware of what he spoke.  "Indeed, some of our younger clanmates have encountered such a collection of Kindred."

Claudius named them.  "One is the neonate Ian Dorff. The other is your Childe."

"You are mentoring both, I can understand your concern."  Elizabeth tilted her head just slightly to one side.  "Neither was involved in Duncan's death, however."

Claudius knew this, and felt it as a blow, but steeled himself to return the same.  "True. But as you realize, Bryon is still under your aegis, at least due to the unspoken rules of courtesy.  I was hoping you could try to guide him, in a serious way, through the dangers of the imminent time."

Elizabeth lowered her eyes a bit.  "Certainly.  I will discipline him, should this adventure prove more than a dip into the gutters."

"Good. But..."  Claudius paused, making eye contact with Elizabeth.  "If he has contact with them, maybe we can use that to end this threat to the city."

"With his cooperation?  Or without it?"

Claudius looked down slightly.  "Hopefully with his full cooperation.  Communication with them would be the best tool in this conflict."

"Shall we speak to him together?  I can summon him if you wish."   Elizabeth mulled over the thoughts on the topic she'd had, trying to form a strategy for persuading Bryon to help with this plan, fully aware his sympathies were more with the anarchs than with Claudius or herself. "Knowing our Prince as I do, he has probably offered to spare their lives if they betrayed their superiors."  An idea sprang to her mind.

"Please, if you wish, that would be ideal."

Elizabeth summoned Bryon using Presence, calling to him in her mind.  Immediately afterward she picked up her telephone and dialed his number, hoping she'd be able to get an answer.  Summons were nice, but it was also nice to know if you had a wait of five minutes, or an hour, and the phone was more efficient for that.  Her efforts were succesful.  "He will be here in ten minutes," she told Claudius, hanging up the phone.

While they waited, Elizabeth and Claudius continued their discussion.  It seemed a very brief time before Bryon was ringing the bell.  Elizabeth went to the door, opening it to let her Childe enter.  As he came in, she spoke in his mind, warning him to be on his best behavior.  Bryon looked both resentful and afraid, as he often did when Elizabeth's thoughts invaded his mind.  A part of her enjoyed this side effect, though that was never why she did it.  It was simply much more polite to scold him where no one else could hear.

Returning to the parlor with Bryon, Elizabeth maneuvered him to sit beside her on the small sofa, both of them facing Claudius.  She allowed Bryon no personal space, resting her hand on his arm and pressing her thigh against his.

"Good evening Claudius... and to you Elizabeth. Now what can I do for you?"  Bryon spoke almost sarcastically, but only almost.

"Claudius and I have been discussing the Anarchs."

Bryon looked between them.  "Oh really? And what have you come up with?"

"At the Primogen Council meeting last week, they were convicted of the slaying of Jerry Duncan, and condemned by the Prince."  Elizabeth answered, and almost at the same time, Claudius said bluntly, "There is a Blood Hunt out for their lives."  Bryon's look of distress was palpable.

"Jerry Duncan,"  said Elizabeth deliberately,  "was a hotheaded Brujah, and no doubt pressured them too hard.  However, he was a recognized member of the  Camarilla, and they are not.  If -- and I stress if -- they could be induced to convey who is behind their activity.... their lives might be spared."

"At the very least we want to avoid anyone getting hurt."  Claudius spoke out of deep concern.

Elizabeth nodded.  "I imagine they would listen neither to myself, nor Claudius.  You, though, my dear Progeny.... seem to have their trust, at least a little."

Frowning, Bryon said, "I see. That is....."  He turned to look at Elizabeth as she stroked his arm possessively, trying to be cold, almost succeeding.  "So... you want me to do what exactly?"

"Darling.. people could be hurt in this if it comes to a fight... we don't want that."  Bryon's sire looked at him, trying to convey concern.  "To try to persuade them to turn... state's evidence, is that how they say it nowadays?"  She went on when Bryon nodded.  "Turn in the ones behind the scenes, to gain their own lives."

Bryon looked to Elizabeth, then Claudius. "I... I've spoken to them only once... do you command me to do this?"

Elizabeth and Claudius locked eyes, exchanging thoughts quickly.  They would rather not "order" him, yet, they could not leave this to his own choosing, it was too important.

"Bryon.  You would say no to a chance to save the city bloodshed?  to saving the lives of perhaps many of your friends?"  Once again Elizabeth spoke at nearly the same time as Claudius.  "We do not want to endanger you of course. You should not approach them as representatives of us, but on your own accord.   But your own safety is most secured if they give up. Do not forget that."

Bryon looked a bit dumbstruck. He looked down to the floor, then apologetically at Claudius.  His sire watched him, a look of affectionate patience, mixed with a bit of buried anger.  "I can try to let them know what you're saying,"  Bryon said, "but I can't promise anything, I hardly know them."   His face hid deep resentment and disappointment at Claudius, and something more.

Elizabeth scanned Bryon's thoughts, empathy and Auspex blending to give her a holistic sense of his mindset.  She can sense that Bryon doesn't want Claudius to die, or Elizabeth, but he doesn't want to oppose the Anarchs. His sympathy towards their cause is clear.

Claudius reemphasized his point.  "You must have the safety of the city, and yourself, formost in your mind. The best way to achieve this is to either get them to  surrender or reveal their plans otherwise."

Turning to gaze at her Childe, Elizabeth chose a different tack.  Once again she spoke in his mind, fully aware of the effect.  ~Bryon, let me remind you of something.  I allow you a lot of freedom.  I am, as you well know, responsible for your every action.  Don't make me ashamed of you, that could very quickly  lead to a situation you would not enjoy at all.~  Bryon looked back at her with frightened eyes.  She nodded slightly to him, then directed her gaze back to Claudius.

Claudius looked seriously at them both.  "Do you understand, Bryon?"

Bryon stared back coolly.  "Of course I understand. I'll do my best to comply with your wishes, of course. For the good of the city."  He spoke the last sentence with nearly imperceptible spite. Yet the two elders perceived it quite well, of course.

Pleased at his words, if not the emotions behind them, Elizabeth smiled at Bryon, knowing that he knows, that if he does not carry out this task as he has agreed, she will know it.  Still, the tone stirred the embers of her anger.  She kept that suppressed until she would have him alone...

Bryon nodded weakly to himself.  "Will that be all?"

"Yes, but I'd like you to stay, Bryon,"  Elizabeth said softly.  "We have not spent enough time together, you and I, lately."

"Any information you can obtain on their plans, should they not wish to give themselves up, will be invaluable should that situation arise. Do your best to obtain this. If you understand completely, then my work here is done. Will the two of you excuse me?"  Claudius and Elizabeth took their leave of one another with the greatest care for warmth and etiquette.  The two of them were on the same wavelength with that, as ever.

After seeing Claudius to the door, Elizabeth returned to Bryon, a hard expression on her lovely face.  "That was your best behavior?" she asked in a stinging tone.

Bryon, who had been looking at her meekly, turned to avoid her gaze.  "Sorry... I tried, you were the one who rushed me over here... "  He stood up, wondering if she'd asked him to stay merely for the chance to pick at his apparently unsatisfactory manners.

"Ah.  So it is my fault you were rude, of course.  Everything you do is my responsibility."  Her voice held a tone of near disgust under the sarcasm, whether at herself or Bryon was unclear.  Elizabeth paused, watching Bryon silently.   He was still standing, as if about to leave, feeling unwelcome.  Anger sharpened her tone again.  "Sit back down."

Immediately, Bryon sat back down, his resistance collapsing, flimsy facade.

"What would it take, I ask you, for you to be properly behaved?" she asked, her anger not quite hidden behind her rhetorical stance.

"I treat him as I would anyone. I've spoken to him without you, you know... he never minded my manners before."  Bryon looked at her again.  "But, I'm sorry you're angry. "  I'm sorry for nothing else, he implied.

"Bryon."   She shook her head, anger subsiding a bit in amusement.  "Of course he minds.  He simply hides it far, far better than you."

Bryon simply stared at her, silent and sullen.

Sensing that he'd had enough anger, and might be driven to return it, she changed her tack again, sitting down beside him, looking sad, her whole demeanor completely different.   "I hate being angry with you,"  she said regretfully, sitting back down beside him,  her body touching his.  "I hate having to scold you.   I want us to be close..."  Elizabeth felt him giving way, and pushed the advantage just a bit further.

"I never used to have to say such things, darling."  She looked into Bryon's eyes from close up, fingers gently and lightly stroking his cheek.  "Pease don't make me do that.... please?"

Bryon's tone and demeanor changed too, in near instant response to hers.  "I'll go apologize to him... don't worry, I'll explain you wanted only the best. I... am sorry. I know..."  He looked at her in sincere agony.

"No... there is no need to apologize... just try your best for me next time with him, and with the anarchs."

Bryon put his hand lightly on her arm.

"Thank you.... that's so much better...."  Elizabeth picked up the hand that rested on her arm, bringing it to her lips, kissing his wrist softly.  Bryon closed his eyes, and she bit, sucking at the blood, feeling the rush of her childe's vitae flowing over her tongue.  As she leaned over his arm, her hair falling to shadow her face, Bryon put his hand on her knee.  He whispered to her softly, "It'll be okay." Oh yes, she thought, it will.

Bryon winced at the pain, relishing it, his hand on her knee shaking.  After a bit of time, she licked his wrist clean and sealed the wound.

Elizabeth whispered, "Thank you, I know you won't let me down...." and Bryon replied, slowly opening his eyes again, "I won't."  Elizabeth scanned his thoughts again and his feelings, sensing a mind bright with tenderness, and thoughts in chaos.   He knew he'd do what they asked, but was unsure of the consequences. His motive was a bit shaky as well.

She felt mostly satisfied, though a lingering disquiet remained.  Bryon for his part felt far more confused, but his path had been fixed for him, and he would walk where it led.