Lab Work Mason turned on the fluorescent spotlight and trained it on her preparation work. Culturing cells was tricky, but mechanical - she'd done it countless times in her lab assistant position in college. But these weren't just any cells, they were of a kind most biologists would deny the very existence of. That was a whole long story in itself, that she mulled over briefly before continuing. Mason put this culture into the incubator; the previously prepared one was in a refrigerated environment. She wanted to see if the heat level had any effect on its growth. Normal cells would; these would not. She took two of the batches from yesterday and dropped blood from an eyedropper into the preparation. The other got no blood, just the same amount of saline. She thought she might try plasma solution in a similar batch, so she took out a third and fourth. The fourth one she took a sample from and placed it under a microscope. Ooooh... the cells were very lively. This batch had been given human blood when cultured, but nothing since. She put some ice under them and looked again - still very lively even in the cold. She thought of trying some light and heat tests next... shone reflected sunshine from the window onto the culture with a mirror. She watched in awe as the cells immediately blackened and turned to smoke and ash. Mason swallowed. This was amazing. Really amazing stuff. She thought she'd get to the chemical composition next and see if she could isolate what made that happen. No wonder they had such fear of fire and sunlight. She thought of Miss Semingsworth's description of Rotschreck and shivered as she put her equipment away til next time.