Harpy's Evening's Masquerade

Elizabeth Feildric licked her fingers delicately as she turned the pages of her address book. Let's see, here was her Primogen's telephone number. She let it ring, and when he answered, she purred into his ear. "Claudius, my dear, I receieved a message saying you had offered to mentor my darling Bryon on some of the niceties of our existence. Why, I am so pleased my progeny has attracted such august attentions. Of course, as his sire, I give you my blessing to work with him... I am positive one such as yourself would make of my childe even more dutiful and pride-inspiring a Kindred. Yes, I will be following his progress with so much of my attention, I shall have to spend more time with him perhaps to keep apprised of his progress." She listened a few moments and a smile spread across her face. "Learn to accompany me to soirees? To find out what keeps us going all the years? How charming. I am utterly in awe of you, Claudius." She didn't need Claudius's help to bend Bryon to her sway, not at all; but it wouldn't do to say that to one's primogen. She simply had to make sure he knew two things: she owed him no favor for this patronage, and she gave up none of her claim on Bryon Endocrine.

After she had said her farewells to Claudius and hung up, Elizabeth mused a bit ... one of her herd, as usual, was expected to call, to feed her hungers. She had such an appointment nearly every night, except for those nights she chose to vary her routine and find some fresh blood. She checked her appointment calendar... ah yes, tonight it was Chris Tallyson. She liked Chris, he was a new addition to her little stable; quite assured she could do magical things to him, and, so easily mesmerized by her charms. She wondered where he was, he was usually early. Idly, she paged through the book she still held; his phone number and there it was. She dialed it, pressing each number carefully. Her fangs extended a bit as her tongue traced the inner edge of her teeth, as she thought of feeding on his vibrant lifeforce. Oh yes.... the phone rang three times and then it was answered, oh quite indiscreetly, by a voice she recognized - a young woman's voice, Melody Barbentain; Melody was scheduled for next Thursday evening. She hung up the phone without speaking and considered whether she should dress. Ah yes. She pulled a coat on over her slip; why bother. The long dress coat belted snugly, she slipped into a pair of mules and went out to her automobile.

A lovely vehicle, she had at long last achieved a sort of truce with it; she was not a good driver, but, it was a good car, and she managed. She missed the days when women were not expected to drive themselves. But there were some compensations. Quickly she drove, and arrived to see Melody hurrying out. Elizabeth caught Melody's arm, quickly burning blood to raise her strength a bit, so that Melody could not pull away. Soon with Elizabeth's Presence Melody ceased resisting, and accompanied her back to Chris's apartment, where he was hurriedly getting ready... to be late to his appointment with Elizabeth. She closed the door behind her and smiled sweetly at Melody as she locked it with her key.

"Did you ... forget you had a rendezvous to keep tonight, Chris?" Elizabeth asked in an artificially soft voice. Chris turned to look at her and Melody, his eyes wide. Elizabeth enjoyed the look, enough to really soften her toward him... slightly. "Did our little Melody distract you a bit, perhaps? She really is quite a treat...quite."

"I was on my way, I just wanted to be ready.... to look good and she was giving me some advice..." Chris stammered a bit, obviously afraid. None of them quite knew what it was that Elizabeth did to them. In fact Elizabeth had them organized into smaller groups, and they only knew about two others apiece. They knew it felt incredibly good, and was addictive... they suspected she gave them some sort of drug, or that it was some kind of psychic power, or witchcraft, it depended on the individual... possibly someone thought she was an alien with some kind of advanced technology that stimulated the pleasure center. Maybe even one of them thought she was a vampire. It didn't matter; she never violated the Masquerade; they did not for the most part even know she drank their blood. She simply pressed her lips to them and perhaps her hand or wrapped her leg around them, and the ecstasy began.

"Oh, my dear Chris, my sweet Melody, of course, that is what it was. Well, I shall have to reward you both, then. Hmmm... which will be first?"

She left them more than an hour later, lying exhausted and curled up together in the bed. She had 'given' them a bit more of the 'drug' than usual, and they'd need to rest and recuperate a bit. Thoughtfully, she called both their workplaces and informed them that their employees had been taken ill. Yes, Dr. Feildric had prescribed a day of bed rest and lots of fluids. Elizabeth licked her lips as she hung up the phone.