Early Warning Dawn, and she woke with cramps. Mason moaned softly, slid off the bed, and hurried to the bathroom. She sat for a while; the cramps waxed, then waned. She turned on the fan, thinking it might keep the toilet's flush from waking Nick or Constance. Not that such a thing would ever wake the deep-sleeping Constance. And Nick would already be awake, pretending to sleep, probably at the moment she got up. Not much use, but habit of consideration. She flushed and washed her hands carefully, feeling the cramping start up again. Mason dried her hands then rested them supportively below the child inside her. At the lower curve of her distended belly, the skin had stretched redly - marks that would turn white when they healed, she thought. Unless on her return to ghouldom they simply healed away entirely - she was not sure if that would happen. Depended if they were "wounds", she thought, or "scars"... that seemed to be the division that affected such things in her experiments on mice. She was not sure which, though she did not think she would mind either way. She wondered for a moment whether seeing the marks as they made love would make things more difficult with Constance. No way to tell, though, till the time came. She looked at her sleeping mates, felt a desire to touch them, a reassuring motion, but decided it was too likely to disturb their sleep and made her way to her own room. She lay down on her side with a pillow tucked under her belly, supporting the child's weight, and tried to relax, hoping the cramping would stop. After an hour, it had not stopped, and she was starting to worry. So Mason called her obstetrician's all night phone service, explaining what she was feeling. A few minutes later a nurse returned the call, and the two of them discussed the strength and timing of the pre-labor contractions, which is what the nurse though the cramps were. They were about fifteen minutes apart, more or less, and so the nurse told Mason that if they got as close as every ten minutes, she should go to the hospital - otherwise, try to rest, and call back if she felt something indicative such as her water breaking. Mason felt unsure that she would know, as she did urinate very frequently, but the nurse assured her that there was a difference, and she had some strips that supposedly would turn purple only in the presence of amniotic fluid. So she lay, unable to return to sleep, and watched the clock. An hour later, the sun fully shining over Dallas, the cramps had stopped. Though the door to her room was open, Nick knocked on it rather than simply walking in. "Mason?" he said softly. She patted the bed beside her, and he came in and sat down, one hand reaching to her cheek. "I felt," he hesitated, seeming unsure how to continue, "... that something might be wrong. May I..." she put a finger to his lips, quieting him. Mason shook her head "no" silently. "I'm ok," she told him softly. "I just had some cramps... they've gone now, though." She thought Nick looked worried for a moment, before his face cleared with what she thought of as his mask... the way he covered his visible emotions, an expressionless expression on his face. She tried to smile at him reassuringly. She hoped it worked... she wanted to reassure them both.