Well of Souls

Monday morning, Jan 31, 2000

Mason yawns, waking up looking at the sunlight streaming down through the window. She turns over and looks at Constance sleeping, listening to see if she can tell where Nick is, as he isn't in the bed. With a smile she whispers, "Good morning," to Constance as she slides out of bed, not wanting to waken her. Smoothing her oversized sleep Tshirt down, she pads out of the bedroom. Her stomach growling, she heads to the kitchen to see what leftovers they have. Constance groans softly in her sleep as Mason departs, throwing an arm over her face to ward away the light.

Nick is sitting in the computer room, talking online with one of his contacts - arranging a safe haven of sorts in New Mexico. He runs his fingers through his hair, growing more worried by the day. He has to make this work. Thinking he hears footsteps, Nick rises from his seat, turning off the monitor, and peeks out into the hallway, listening intently. Mason turns from the refrigerator, whose contents she's poring over, when she hears him, and walks back to the hall where he stands. She puts her arms around him. "Good morning."

Nick brushes his bangs out of his face, a brief expression of anxiety passing over his face before he relaxes again, opening his arms for Mason. "Good morning, Mason. You slept well, I hope?"

Mason nods. "I was just trying to decide what to heat up for breakfast." She wonders if something is wrong, feeling tension in his muscles as she holds him.

"Oh, yes. Did you find something? I can order whatever strikes you fancy, if it's not already present."

"Not necessary, I saw lots of yummies, just can't decide which to have." She pauses, her smile slipping. "Are you ok? You feel tense."

Nick smiles down at Mason, studying her face. "Most assuredly well, simply... concerned." He glances up the hallway, towards the bedroom, then turns back to Mason. "Constance... sleeps?"

Mason thinks she understands his concerns, given recent events. She gives him a gentle squeeze. "I think everything's going to be okay now. Yes, she's still asleep." She pauses and smiles at a thought. "Why don't we get breakfast ready then wake her up to share it with us?"

Nick holds his breath for a moment, a complex series of emotions flicking across his face - fear, guilt, worry - very quickly. He finally settles on a warm smile as he mentally puts these thoughts aside for the time being. "What a splendid thought, Mason. Constance would appreciate that, I believe. Yes."

Mason has her own worries, and thinks she sees the reflection of them on his face. She his hand, and walks with him back to the kitchen. As she starts taking things out of the fridge to heat up, she says, "Last night, the Prince and Club Manager thought they had a breakthrough with Miss Semingsworth... they think they know how to bring her around now... it might take a bit of time, though."

Nick nods, solemnly, his face going blank for several moments while Mason's back is turned, running over the various preparations he's already made. He focuses on her again, smiling as the life comes back into his face. "I am pleased her recovery is progressing. Is my assistance required? Anything I might do to speed it further?"

She pauses in her work, looking into his eyes. "There might be, but, I don't know." Mason thinks she's been protecting him from seeing how bad off Lucille is really; though his empathic skills might have let him figure out what was wrong, she didn't want to put him through that trauma. "I think it's all under control really. but, thank you, thank you very much." She hugs him briefly, then goes back to putting food in toaster and microwave.

A wave of sadness washes over Nick as he watches Mason. He stands back a few feet, watching her prepare the food, tears slipping down his face, unknowingly. He speaks slowly, his voice thick with emotion - both visible and hidden. "You are quite welcome. I know how much Ms. Semingsworth means to you, Mason. To Constance and me as well." Nick feels as though he's drowning in the powerlessness of wanting to be their protector, yet not knowing how to protect, or what, precisely, to protect from - at times he thinks he knows, and yet... Mason seems too.... sure. The emotion he is feeling washing back from Mason is overwhelming - and he feels guilty about not telling Constance of Mason's pregnancy. There is also a certain dark sorrow over his mistrust of Lucille, since Mason loves her so much - a feeling he cannot share in, just yet.

Mason turns back to Nick, suddenly worried. "Oh, Nick... what's wrong?" She pulls a paper towel off the dispenser and wipes tears off his face gently.

Nick speaks softly, his voice filled with both fear and confusion. "I'm quite concerned, about you... about Constance..." He trails off, feeling the resistance drain away, leaving him strangely empty inside. "I'm not quite sure. I seem to have difficulty behaving in a socially acceptable fashion when strong emotions are involved."

"Oh.. Nick.. there's nothing unacceptable about feeling your emotions... I didn't mean that at all... tell me what's making you cry... please?"

Nick struggles to put his feelings into words - into words which wouldn't upset Mason further, feeling the familiar helplessness... the same sensation he'd felt while watching Constance violated by Sinclaire - the same he'd felt as Mason told him of their coming child, when he had been unable to convince her of the necessity of leaving. "I'm very worried about you, Mason. Worried for all of us, but you and Constance above all else."

Mason bites her lower lip. "I'm so sorry ... that I'm worrying you so much... just remember it's okay to feel it.... " She stops, gazes quietly into his eyes for a long moment, then breaks the eye contact, and looks over her food preparation. "I think it's just about ready... would you get Constance? I'll finish this up."

Nick starts to turn without thinking about it, but turns back again hesitantly. "We should tell Constance of our child. It... she... she should know."

Mason nods, looking faintly guilty. "Yes... I meant to tell her when... well you know... I want to. I just don't know how to make it okay."

He smiles to her reassuringly, speaking with calm assurance. "She is stronger than she seems."

"Okay. I'll tell her now... I mean... we will... okay?"

Nick takes a few steps closer, raising a hand to run his fingers through Mason's hair. He smiles, feeling at least a little of the tension dissipate with her words. He nods, smiling brightly, then turns to go rouse Constance.

Mason sets the dishes along the counter in a sort of serving line, then makes a neat stack of three plates along with silverware and napkins so each can take what they want. She looks it over then serves herself out of the dishes, setting her plate down while she waits for them to get back.

Nick watches Constance sleep for a few moments, marveling at her beauty, as he had often in the past, a faraway look on his face. Constance doesn't move her arm from across her face, but speaks to nick, making him jump slightly - a slightly guilty expression on his face. "Come to get me for breakfast, Nicky?"

He nods, then pauses in thought realizing she cannot see him (at least he doesn't think she can). "Yes, if you are rested."

She groans, picking up a pillow and pulling it over her face, her voice muffled by the makeshift shield. "I hate sunlight."

"We've heated up some food, Mason and I. We thought it might be nice to tempt you with sustenance. And the food will be getting chilly. I know how much that bothers you." Constance moves quickly, throwing the pillow at Nick, who neither dodges, nor acknowledges the projectile at all.

In the kitchen, Mason takes a few bites, standing, as she is getting hungrier as she waits.

Constance rolls over and off the bed, not bothering to straighten her sleeping shirt as she pads past him and into the kitchen, pausing only for a moment to offer him a sour, yet entirely playful smile. Nick follows her, smiling happily.

Mason looks at Constance as she comes into the kitchen, swallowing the food in her mouth down quickly. "Go ahead and get yourself... yourselves some and come in the livingroom." She grins, amused at herself for being 'caught' eating before they arrived, and carries her plate, plus silverware and napkin, past them.

Constance stretches as she walks into the kitchen, walking on her tip toes for a few moments. "Morning." Her face lights up as she smells the food, her mood improving as she serves herself and Nick.

"Good morning," Mason tells Constance as she walks by. She continues on, smiling, into the living room and sits on the floor.

Nick waits for Constance to get them both plates, then gets a tray and puts each setting on it, calling into the livingroom, "Would you care for a beverage, Mason?"

"Orange juice!"

He prepares them all something to drink, then takes the tray into the livingroom, accompanied by an obviously salivating Constance. Nick sits on the floor, cross-legged, getting comfortable as soon as he sets the tray down. Constance follows suit, taking her plate and watching the others for the first sign she can dig in>

"Go ahead... I did," Mason says softly to Constance, giggling. Constance does just that, not one for following form for formality's sake unless she really has to.

Mason takes her orange juice off the tray. "Thank you."

Nick lays his own setting out methodically, then takes a look around to verify there isn't something he is forgetting. "You're welcome, Mason. Is there anything else you wish?"

Mason glances at him, smiling. "I wish you to start eating," she says playfully.

Constance laughs, leaning over to ruffle Nick's hair. "Yes. Eat." Mason smiles at Constance conspiratorially. Constance winks at mason, returning to her meal.

Nick blushes, looking down at his plate - he starts eating, grining bashfully at both of them.

Mason eats about half the food on her plate, realizing she had been so hungry she took far too much, and sets her still half-full plate down. "Mmmmm... I feel much better now." Nick glances from Mason to Constance and back again. he smiles warmly at Mason, continuing to eat. Mason nods to Nick, suddenly looking shy, and clears her throat. "Um......."

If Constance notices anything out of the ordinary, she keeps it to herself. She continues eating, gracefully consuming at least three times as much as Mason ate, glancing up as Mason speaks, a curious furrow to her eyebrows.

Mason looks at the floor as she talks. "Constance... there was something I was ... going to tell you but then all this stuff happened and well... I just...." She concentrates, trying to make herself talk, but it is not working... looks at Nick remembering that she did promise him she'd do this... back at Constance for a second then down at her plate again, and whispers, "Uh.... that I'm ... going to be... having to stop , well, drinking blood, and all, because... " her voice becomes nearly inaudible, whispering lower, "I'm pregnant." Mason bites her lower lip, feeling like an idiot.

Constance chokes on the glass of water that was raised to her lips, setting it down quickly and raising a napkin to cover her face. She glances over at Mason for a moment, her eyes seeking out Nick next, a silent "how could you" written on her features.

Mason has no trouble reading the look. "Hey.. not his fault." She frowns slightly, muttering, "You know how I am."

Nick holds Constance's glance, calmly, warmly, knowing very well she is cursing him inside for his innate zen aura.

"I know I'm doing this really, really badly," Mason says, pushing through despite her intense desire to quit, "but I guess I thought bad was better than not at all." Her voice softens, a strong note of longing coming into it. "I really want it...."

Constance frowns, struggling to maintain her composure, which clicks back into place as she glances at Mason. "That's.. wonderful, Mason. I'm happy for you. for us." She smiles. "Now we'll get to be a real family."

Mason answers very quietly but clearly. "I hope so... hope this can bring us together and not drive us apart..."

Constance glances at Nick again while she speaks, still smiling. "Why would it drive us apart? We've both wanted a child for a long time. I'm hurt, yes, because I can't have children, but I don't see why that would drive us apart." She glances back at Mason, holding back the remainder of the sentence, speaking it only in her mind. ~unless you're going to leave with Nicky and have a family of your own...~

Mason holds out her hand to Constance silently, holding the extended hand out, so long it begins to shake. Finally Constance takes her 's hand, trembling slightly, then bursting into tears. She crawls over to Mason's side, between Mason and Nick, and wraps her arms around Mason while she sobs. Mason hugs Constance and squeezes her hand, crystalline tears falling, murmuring, "I love you... Constance..." She presses her face into Constance's hair.

Nick nods to himself, pleased in an indescribable fashion that the two are bonding, and that Constance is showing her feelings. He waits a few moments, trying to decide if he should add his comfort, or let them comfort one another without him.

Constance continues crying, taking deep, painful breaths between sobs, hurting from far more than simply being inadequate to bear the man she loves a child - her fears of being an outsider in the family still strong in her mind, brought to the forefront by Mason's words.

As she holds the sobbing Constance in her arms, shedding her own silent tears, Mason feels the strongest bond of love to Constance she has felt yet... realizing just under the surface why... but savoring the feeling as she cries.

Constance hiccups as she tries to speak, taking another breath and trying again. "Say it again...."

"I love you... I love you, Constance." Mason kisses her cheek very softly.

Constance nods, wiping her face with the napkin in her hands, murmuring comfort wordlessly to Mason, to herself, she doesn't know which. She takes a deep, collecting breath. "I... trust you, Mason. Please don't leave me."

"I won't." Mason pulls back and looks into Constance's eyes. "I won't. Thank you for your trust... thank you."

Constance smiles wearily, meeting Mason's eyes, her own glance a full of pain and fearful yearning, but hopeful as well. She nods a second time, relaxing in Mason's arms as she drifts into quiet sniffles. "I love you too, Mason." She stops, letting the ache of realization work through her, repeating it a second time. "I love you too."

Mason sighs softly, a strange kind of sad happiness flooding through her. "I know." She pauses for a moment going on a mental tour of her own thoughts as it were. "I'll need a lot of help... from you both... to get through this... we need to work together... a team... a family. dontcha think....?"

Nick smiles encouragingly at Mason. "Yes, most definitely."

Constance offers them both a lopsided grin. "Yes. A family." She turns her face into Mason's neck, drawing comfort from her nearness - and the lessening of weight bearing her down into the darkness - alone. Mason sniffles, wipes her nose, and smiles back at Nick as she snuggles Constance closer again. Nick reaches to hand them each another napkin, grinning brightly.